Custom Chock Ruidhasa, Kishanganj [email protected]


Education of Children With Special Needs (CWSN)

Education of Children With Special Needs (CWSN)

SSA focuses on increasing access, enrolment and retention of all children as well as improving the quality of education. The objective of SSA can be realized only, if all children including those with special needs (CWSN) are included under the ambit of elementary education. Experiences of programmes like DPEP have shown that with adequate support services, CWSN can be provided quality education, in regular schools.

CWSN have often been marginalized on account of their disability, lack of awareness on the part of the community about their potential, apprehensions on the part of the teachers to teach such children and a general societal attitude of sympathy towards such children focusing more on what they cannot do rather than on what they can do.

Realizing the importance of integrating CWSN in regular schools, SSA framework has made adequate provisions for educating CWSN. SSA ensures that every child with special needs, irrespective of the kind, category & degree of disability, is provided meaningful & quality education. Hence, SSA has adopted a zero rejection policy. This means that no child having special needs should be deprived of the right to education.

The SSA framework, in line with the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995 provides that a child with special needs should be taught in an environment, which is best suited to his/her learning needs. These might include special schools, EGS & AIE or even home based education.

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